Everyone likes to feel special.
No one likes to feel like a “lead”.
If you aim for a high conversion rate – your prospects had better feel special & unique while they are led through your marketing campaign’s funnel.
Think about all those spammy-looking emails you’ve received, and have immediately erased, or moved to the spam folder. Think of all the automated social media reach out attempts that have landed at your Twitter / Facebook / LinkedIn / whatever – accounts. What if those same reach-outs would have been personalized with content that speaks to you, individually? Would you still have trashed them without giving it another thought? I bet that, at the very least, you would have pondered about taking a deeper look.
Since not all of us were blessed with Louis’s direct writing style, many marketers like to use the ability to automatically personalize the emails they send over to their prospects. It has actually become a standard to open an email with the recipient’s first name being pulled in from a database of obtained leads. You can pull that data in, and incorporate it into your content using something called:
Dynamic tags are like placeholders waiting to be automatically filled by data pulled in and placed inside them. So instead of showing the same generic content to all of my leads – I can tailor it to each and every one.
A dynamic tag would look something like this:
Hi {=Name}, we’ve received your….
If you already know you’re going to be using your lead-data as pre-filled dynamic tags – you need to make sure you ask the right kind of questions on your lead generation page form. Try to keep it in mind while setting up your form and make your lead’s answers provide you with the kind of data you need.
“Kill two birds with one stone” by using it for your campaign’s needs, and at the same time, use it to personalize your campaign and make your lead feel more at home.
Start creating your own landing pages with Pagewiz
Let’s have a look at several ways you can make your leads feel special & important, and incidentally increase their engagement and your campaign’s conversion rate:
Customize a person’s name
The most common use case for dynamic tags would obviously be to customize the greeting, and refer to your lead by the name they’ve bothered entering.
“Hi there {=Name},
Thanks for providing your details!
We’ll be sure to contact you shortly, and in the meantime – feel free to browse the latest case-studies on our blog.
Talk to you soon!”
Inline content customization
If you’ve found it necessary to have your leads submit their type of industry, or some special preference they may be holding, you should definitely incorporate that data into your landing page’s body copy – to show them that the data they’ve entered was actually registered somewhere, and is taken seriously. Probably even categorized and entered into a certain lead list on your CRM of choice.
“We’re glad you showed interest in the {=Select a product} we offer.
You have definitely made a wise choice, and a representative from our {=Choose a department} will contact you shortly, with further details.
Thank you!”
I, for one, am much more likely to continue reading a text which includes my personal choices and preferences, instead of some general text written for the masses. And, apparently, I’m not the only one.
Correct your submitted info
Another smart move would be to use the dynamic tags to present the lead with the most important lead data they’ve entered on the form – so they may inspect it and see if any typos or errors were made. You can provide a link back to the form – in case they spot any.
“Thank you for contacting us!
One of our representatives will phone you shortly at: {=Phone number}.
Did we get the wrong phone number by mistake? Click here to go back & fix it.”
Let us see how you can quite easily go about making use of this awesome thing called ‘dynamic tags’ – inside Pagewiz.
After you’re all done planning and crafting your landing page and the form within it – you’ll want to go ahead and create another landing page, to which your leads get redirected upon submitting your form. That other landing page is the place where you incorporate your dynamic tags – which will act as placeholders for the data your leads enter on your first landing page. Once the system has that data – it will simply pour it in the right placeholder – according to its name.
Here’s a demo of how it works:
- This lead-generation landing page will capture your lead’s data. See those form field labels – which indicate what should be entered into every field? We’ll use those on the next page we redirect our leads to – so let’s copy one or two of them, shall we?
- I’ve made sure my lead generation landing page redirects leads to my thank-you page upon form submission, and now, I can incorporate the fields’ label names which I had copied from my landing page’s form as dynamic tags – which will be automatically filled in for me.
- Note how I incorporate those label names into another page in my landing page campaign:
I went ahead and filled in the form. Check out what happens next:
As expected, upon filling in the form and submitting my details – I am redirected to the thank-you page I have created, and some of the details I had entered are automatically poured in to the thank-you text. Nice, huh?!
Thanks to the invention of cookies – you are actually not obligated to use this data on the first page you redirect your leads to – and can choose to make use of it later on, too. Pagewiz will save the data your lead had entered and will display it on whichever page you choose to include a dynamic tag on!
- If a form field is used as a dynamic tag, but is not filled in by your lead – you’ll end up with broken content on your campaign. You do not want broken content on your campaign. So, to make sure a certain form field is not left blank – you can define it as a required field.
- In order for this mechanism to work properly – your lead generation landing page (the one that contains the form) must sit under the same domain name as the page in which you use the dynamic tags on.
For example:
If my landing page has the following URL: www.pagewiz.com/lead-generation
then the page I use the dynamic tags on should be on: www.pagewiz.com/thanks
or something of that sort.
Be sure to set your form according to your campaign’s specific needs, and don’t bloat your form with redundant fields just because you want to use them as dynamic tags.
Remember: personalized content is meant to boost your conversion rate by increasing your leads satisfaction, so please: use it sparingly & wisely!
Kobe joined Pagewiz as a campaigns manager & front end developer. He has 2.5 years of landing page campaigns creation experience and a passion for driving them towards a higher conversion rate.
On his free time, Kobe likes to go out for long runs along the riverbank, accompanied by his fast dog (Giga).