Social media offers businesses a great platform for improving their brand awareness, boosting their engagement, and getting more traffic, among other benefits. But some of the more overlooked uses for social media for marketing are lead generation, lead nurturing and for boosting your conversion rates. And Twitter, in my experience, is one of the best platforms for finding leads. In this blog post, I’m going to share my best tips for how you can use Twitter to improve your conversions.
Set up Conversion Tracking for Twitter
Before starting to optimize your Twitter for conversions, you need to track them. Thankfully, Twitter makes this easier with their ‘conversion tracking’ tool. To set it up, go to your Twitter Ads account, click on Tools at the top of your dashboard, and then select ‘conversion tracking’.
First, you will need to add a website tag to your site for tracking, much like a Google Analytics tag. Once that is on your site and tied to your Twitter account, Twitter will start to track conversions done through its platform. Twitter also lets you create conversion groups so you can track different portions of the sales funnel. This will reveal what people like and don’t like about your sales and marketing processes. Just this step alone can help you shore up holes.
Measuring your results is very important as it lets you know where there’s room for improvement. By checking your results regularly, you can see exactly what is working and what isn’t, so that you can make any necessary changes quickly and further improve your conversion rates.
Twitter Lead Generation Cards
One of the easiest ways to start generating leads on Twitter is by setting up a lead generation card. It’s quite like a mini landing page. When users expand the lead generation card, a button will appear that will let them sign up for whatever you’re promoting through the card. This is a great way to expand your email list, though you will have to pay Twitter a small amount for each lead that is generated.
To set up your own Twitter lead generation card, log in to your Twitter Ads account, click on ‘create campaign’ and then click on “lead generation on Twitter” on the left-hand side of your screen. All you have to do then is write a catchy tweet, add an image and then add a call to action to determine users to take action.
I would also recommend you try out different cards with different wording, calls to action and images to see which one works best with your audience. However, do this in stages to avoid spamming your Twitter followers.
[tweetthis]Measuring your results is very important as it lets you know where there’s room for improvement.[/tweetthis]
Monitor for relevant keywords
Another way that you can use Twitter for lead generation is by monitoring for keywords and hashtags related to your business. You can use a service like Hootsuite or Agorapulse to do the monitoring for you. Agorapulse can focus on particular locations or languages, so it is a better choice for localized businesses. A simple check each morning and afternoon will let you keep a pulse about what’s going on. As part of your analysis, you should also set up tracking for your brand name and the names of your competitors.
As you discover people who are part of your target audience, start engaging with them and building a relationship. You can do this by answering their questions, or you can simply join in relevant conversations. This is also a great way of boosting your engagement levels on Twitter and consequently your clicks and traffic, follower numbers and more.
Twitter Chats
Twitter chats are a great way of boosting your engagement, followers and even finding new leads. A Twitter chat is a scheduled talk between you and your followers on Twitter. They use a single hashtag to push the conversation to all members. It’s usually an obscure hashtag to avoid crosstalk. Make sure to invite your email list and promote it on your website, blog and your Twitter channel.
In order for your Twitter chat to be successful and generate leads, you need to provide as much value to your audience as possible. Don’t make it about your brand, but rather about useful information that your audience would benefit from. Try to think of subjects that would be truly valuable to your target audience, and something that they would likely want to learn more about from an expert. Showing your expertise will help you grow your following. Combine this with a Lead Generation Card and you can really build your email list.
Crosslink your Mailing and Twitter Lists
As you start gathering leads, whether it be on your website, on social media, email and so on, you can look for them on Twitter in order to start building a better relationship with them. With email subscribers, for example, you can easily upload your CSV list in order to find them more easily on Twitter. By crosslinking your lists like this, you can engage in multi-channel marketing efforts. At the very least, you can keep a strong presence in your list member’s lives.
To add your own mailing list to Twitter, go to your Twitter Ads account, and under Tools, select Audience Manager. You will then see Create New Audience and the option to upload your own list in CSV.
Build Relationships with Influencers using Social Media
Influencer marketing is another area of digital marketing that has evolved quite a bit over recent years and all signs point toward an even bigger year for it in 2017. Social media has allowed many people to grow their influence and build up a loyal, engaged following that trusts their opinion. Connecting with those influencers can boost up your business’ reputation with your followers and can open up new opportunities.
First off, you need to identify some relevant influencers in your niche. This used to be a manual search, but now there are tools to identify influencers and up-and-coming ones. These include Friend or Follow, Fruji, and Agorapulse. You might be lucky and already have a relationship with some, but these tools can help you rank them.
Once you’ve got a list of influencers ready, you need to begin engaging with them. Start by following them on social media channels, sharing their content, liking their updates and generally trying to engage with them as much as possible. Try to make these relationships as mutually beneficial as possible, or else it won’t work. But if you do, as they grow, you will be able to reap a lot of rewards from them. Influencers have a lot of say-so over their audience, so a few shares from them, guest blog posts, or product reviews can get you a long way towards building up a stronger social media profile, as well as for generating more leads and making more conversions.
Grow your Social Media Influence
We’ve talked about connecting with other social influencers, but why not also work towards building your own influence? The more you grow your influence, the more you increase brand loyalty and reach, as well as conversions. Personally, it’s been one of the things that has helped me the most with lead generation. As my influence grew on social media, it became easier to get leads, even without any effort on my part.
[tweetthis]By crosslinking your lists like this, you can engage in multi-channel marketing efforts.[/tweetthis]
While not just anyone can become a true social media influencer, there are still ways you can start to improve your influence. The best way to do this is by sharing lots of amazing, value-filled content targeted specifically for your audience. You should also cover the latest news in your field, tips on the new tools and apps, and anything else that’s helpful to the audience.
Essentially, if you engage with your audience over time by sharing content and responding to their queries, influence builds. Growing your influence can be a lengthier process, but it’s very much worth it. The more your influence grows, the more your audience will trust you and you will get more brand ambassadors, which can be of huge help with lead generation and improved conversions.
Twitter Ads, Special Offers, and Promotions
We’ve talked earlier about the Twitter Lead Generation Card, but there are other great options for advertising on Twitter. There are multiple types of Twitter ads that you can choose from, depending on what your end goal is. Most of them will help you drive more conversions, though some of them, such as ads designed to help you get more followers or to boost engagement on your tweets, will do it more indirectly.
For example, if you want to boost your views for a particular video, you can promote your video to a targeted audience. Or, if you have an app, you can use Twitter Ads to promote it and get more installs and app re-engagements. The best part about it is that you only pay for installs of your app, meaning you pay just for results. Explore these options and see if they will work for your needs.
Create a Landing Page for Twitter users
The ultimate goal is to somehow get users onto your website and taking an action. We’ve talked a lot about how to get people to your website through Twitter, but how can you make them stay there for a while? And even more so, how can you get them to take action?
One of the best ways to go about this is to optimize your landing page for your Twitter users. One of the most important aspects when doing this is to make sure that it works well on mobile devices and that it loads very fast. Many people access Twitter on their phones whenever they have a moment to spare, so you need to cater to them. You should also try to keep things short and sweet – just like you would on Twitter. Assume that your visitors are in a rush, so create a landing page where they get only the relevant information and a quick and efficient call to action that will allow them to take action in seconds.
The way you optimize your landing page will depend a lot on who your audience is, so it’s important to learn as much as possible about them in order to create an effective page. And just like with your other landing pages, make sure to track your conversions and keep making changes so that you can create a successful page that drives people to action.
When used right, Twitter can be a great tool for lead generation, lead nurturing and for improving your conversion rate. And while it can be a time-consuming endeavor, the results speak for themselves. It’s also cheaper than you might think. Are you using Twitter for lead generation and for improving your conversions? What are some of your top tips for making more conversions from Twitter? Share them in the comments below.

Highly regarded on the world speaker circuit, Lilach Bullock has graced Forbes and Number 10 Downing Street with her presence! In a nutshell, she’s a hugely connected and highly influential serial entrepreneur. Listed in Forbes as one of the top 20 women social media power influencers and likewise as one of the top social media power influencers, she is one of the most dynamic personalities in the social media market.
Lilach is consulted by journalists and regularly quoted in newspapers, business publications and marketing magazines (including Forbes, The Telegraph, Wired, Prima Magazine, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, Social Media Today and BBC Radio). What’s more, her books have achieved No 1 on Amazon for Sales and Marketing and Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
When Lilach isn’t working she enjoys spending time with her family and is an avid fan of Zumba.