There are hundreds if not thousands of nonprofit blogs on the internet. With so many to choose from, narrowing your search to find the most worthwhile can be a challenge. Time is at a premium for most of us, so we’ve compiled a collection of a few of what we consider to be the best nonprofit blogs in circulation.
What Do Nonprofit Blogs Discuss
Nonprofit blogs are forms of social marketing that help to draw attention to the causes of the organization. Blogs are used to inform and to stimulate interest in the activities of the organization and to help augment fundraising efforts, and are a significant component of the social media plan.
NPOs use blogs to tell stories that inspire people to become involved with the purposes of the group. They share information about unique individuals who have overcome difficulties through the help of the organization, and how community support is needed. The blogs generally give brief information and include links to sites that give even more details and related stories. There is usually room dedicated for comments, updates and previous posts.
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How NPOs Use Blogs to Deliver Their Message
First and foremost is getting attention. Blogs are an excellent way to do this. Marketers only have a few short lines to gain the interest of readers so these must pack a powerful punch to keep their audience reading.
When readers are hooked by how effective and worthwhile an organization is, they are more apt to want to become a part of the effort, and contribute in volunteer time and financial contributions.
Links that tell them how they can become involved are placed in prominent places along with a call to action. This is the most common way that fundraising is done by NPOs on the internet.
Nonprofit Blogs that You Should Read
Future Fundraising Now
Future Fundraising Now shares information about how fundraising serves a dual purpose. It not only helps to secure the revenue needed to achieve the goals of the organization, it also brings like minded people together. By doing this important connections and bonds are formed that help further the goals and purposes of the organization.
The Agitator
The Agitator supplies a wealth of information and tips on nonprofit marketing and fundraising strategies with a high powered edge. Tips on human motivation and how to begin by asking the right questions. This site features a fundraising 101 tutorial and several links including guest blogs, research data and a section on donor blogs.
Osocio provides a site for nonprofit advertising and marketing of social issues. Some of the topics include women’s issues, reasons to quit smoking, seminars and workshops on how to reach your target audience by first defining who they are, and related marketing strategies.
Socialbrite focuses on strategies that help nonprofits benefit through the use of social media. Useful topics cover website design, fundraising campaigns, and how to use multimedia storytelling techniques to reach target audiences. Thousands of free resources in the form of articles, tutorials and other links are available.
Beth Kanter’s Blog
Beth Kanter’s Blog brings 30 years of experience in nonprofit training, technology, marketing and fundraising to audiences. Helpful information on how NPOs can best integrate social media into marketing strategies to build relationships and networks. She offers training for nonprofit staff using adult learning theory to instruct in best marketing practices and the use of social media as a vehicle.
Network For Good
Network For Good gives readers a look into current and effective nonprofit marketing trends, new developments in technology, discussions on fundraising techniques and is loaded with examples of how nonprofits make a difference in the lives of real people. Tips on how to influence community members to become involved in the causes both emotionally and financially.
The Fundraising Authority
The Fundraising Authority shares fundraising tips and strategies from basic tutorials through more advanced techniques. The site features resources such as books, podcasts, articles, webinars, newsletters, and downloadable guides to help NPOs better reach their target audiences.
A Small ChangeĀ
A Small Change fundraising site for nonprofits is loaded with fundraising tips, presentations, and a subscription service. Nonprofit workers can ask questions about fundraising and meet others in the same line of work. There is also an area to post ideas and experiences for peer sharing.
Step By Step Fundraising
Step By Step Fundraising connects nonprofits with fundraising strategies and ideas that are ideal for schools, and other NPOs of all sizes, whether large, medium or small. Experiences about what works and what doesn’t helps NPOs to avoid common mistakes.
J Campbell Social Marketing
J Campbell Social Marketing offers a free ebook on how to use graphics in social marketing for amazing results. Recent posts focus on how non profits can use social marketing to boost their advertising, donor relationships and revenues. Tips on improving newsletters and how to use visual marketing to boost exposure.
Good Helpings
Good Helpings is a site that is full of tips and tricks to make advances that keeps them doing their good work for others. The main focus is on systems and strategies. Free downloadable guides cover topics like managing constituents, creating the best PDF forms, How NPOs can maximize use of Google Drive and other useful topics.
Wild Woman Fundraising
Wild Woman Fundraising is a site where NPOs can find fundraising tips, learn how to find sponsors and get useful fundraising career tips. This is a membership site that offers both free guides and some high powered informational packages available for purchase.
The Fundraising Coach
The Fundraising Coach offers training and coaching for NPO staff with free ebooks on how to get excited about asking for donations, tips on donor retention, how non profits can best use social media, and expert advice on non profit marketing. There are books and services for sale, but also tons of free information.
Seliger and Associates
Seliger and Associates offers tips and advice on grant writing. You’ll find free information as well as services that are for fee on this site. Services offered include grant research, proposal writing, including city, state, federal, county, private foundation and corporate giving grants.
Feeding America Blog
Feeding America Blog provides a network of blogs by state with a guide on how to locate food banks. This site contains a massive archive of information geared towards nonprofits that are working to alleviate hunger in America and provides information on both local efforts and national initiatives to end hunger.
Broad Institute
Broad Institute is a forum dedicated to distributing information about meeting the challenges currently facing those in the fields of medicine and biology. This is a place where nonprofits in these industries can gather current information about collaborations among partner institutions, graduate and undergraduate students, scientists, academic faculty and professional scientists.
The Case Foundation
The Case Foundation is loaded with information useful to nonprofits on marketing strategies, development, and expanding their horizons. Social media 101 tutorial gives tips on how to leverage this tool in addition to corporate responsibility, volunteer management, advocacy and philanthropy resources.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Chronicle of Philanthropy is a storehouse of information with tips for nonprofits on engaging listeners, fundraising, NPO management, links to similar causes for forming connections and partnerships, and a facts and figures section that provides data on current trends and patterns in American fundraising and donating.
Bloom is a site dedicated to providing useful information for parents of children with disabilities. A broad range of topics include getting available services, roadblocks that certain groups encounter, clinical care information, human interest stories, parent perspectives, sibling perspectives, videos, and a large section on current and past research on the topics.
Kivi’s Non Profit Communications Blog
Kivi’s Non Profit Communications Blog offers guidance in nonprofit marketing with a large selection of freebies, books for purchase and fundraising tips. Blogs and articles on relevant topics to help NPOs expand their organizations and more effectively manage volunteers, donors and staff.
Frogloop Care Nonprofit Marketing Blog
Frogloop Care 2s Nonprofit Marketing Blog offers a broad range of topics for NPOs in fundraising techniques, donor management, social media and online communication, research and statistics for nonprofit benchmarks. Other topics include trends in online marketing, SEO, videos, online organizing and new and innovative ways to use the changing technology.
The Salvation Army USA
The Salvation Army USA provides excellent examples through this site of how NPOs can effectively share stories and information that incites a desire among donors to join the cause to help others. NPOs can learn from the structure and content of this model site, and organizations who want to form partnerships can learn more about this group from the site.
American Red Cross
American Red Cross information on services provided with links to stories, volunteer pages, donation and becoming involved. This site provides an excellent model for NPOs who are striving to achieve similar goals. Partnerships with the American Red Cross are constantly being formed with NPOs. An excellent site to review for tips on website structure and an overall effective model for marketing.
Getting Attention
Getting Attention is a site that is dedicated to helping nonprofits succeed in their marketing strategies. They provided case studies, tools, reports and articles that are useful for NPOs who are searching for tips on improving their current strategies. offers training, seminars and other information for service fees. There are also tons of free and useful tips for NPOs on making connections through shared stories effectively, connecting with the mission of the organization. Free downloadable tips worth browsing.
Have Fun Do Good
Have Fun Do Good is a site dedicated to self improvement tips. Natural ways to induce healing through laughter, use of color, the importance of connecting with others, sharing your stories and the list goes on. A must read for organizations that are focused upon helping others learn to help themselves.
Operation Blessing International
Operation Blessing International is a faith based organization that is dedicated to providing disaster relief around the globe. Medical aid, hunger, orphan care, community development and clean water are some of the main causes that are supported. Organizations that share similar goals will find this site an amazing resource.
World Vision
World Vision is a faith based organization that focuses upon assisting children who are disadvantaged because of poverty and other factors. Collaboration and teamwork are used to bring relief and help level the playing field for these children, to help give them more opportunities to grow and develop. A great site for ideas and forming partnerships for similar minded NPOs.
We’ve presented you with a list of what we consider to be interesting nonprofit blogs. The reasons are that each is unique, but they also serve as solid models for internet marketing of NPOs.
The structure and integrity of the content flows in each, reaching out to readers and giving them reason to continue browsing through the sites. Many provide excellent tips on fundraising and nonprofit management topics that are without cost to the readers. More advanced services are offered for fee. This compilation provides a diversified coverage of the best that the internet has to offer in terms of useful information for NPOs.
Maybe you are interested in connecting with similar organizations for collaboration, or perhaps your organization could use more information such as research data or updates on the current news. The information is most likely available through one or more of these sites. We hope you find them useful.
What is your favorite nonprofit blog? Please share with us in the comments below.

Ron Sela is an Inbound Marketing Manager at PageWiz. Named one of the Top 50 Influencers in B2B Marketing (#14) by Onalytica and a Top 50 Influence Marketing Blogger by InkyBee, Ron is a digital marketer and conversion optimizer, focusing on maximizing ROI with content marketing campaigns.