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6 smart shifts email marketers need to make right now

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Have you participated in running race competition back in your school days? Remember, how all of us used to queue up waiting for the race and run the miles swiftly with an aspiration to win? Email marketing is no different. Marketers aspire to win the email race by standing out in the cluttered inbox. Some of them win, while most others fail for some obvious reasons – not flexing the marketing muscle enough. It is time email marketers stop clinging to the old school email techniques & embrace the shift.

So, what to shift and where to start? Shift in your vision, maybe? Shift in the way you code responsive emails? Shift from being email marketers to data scientists? And, there is so much more to shift.

Let’s take a deep dive and consider the below mentioned 6 smart shifts to kick start.

#1 mobile first to wearable devices

Well, considering 89% of marketers already riding the responsive bandwagon (debatable), it’s time to think beyond mobile first development. Although, apparently this looks debatable as mentioned, it makes total sense to think beyond mobile first email coding and embark the heavenly ladder to wearable devices.

wearable devices

With Apple’s new smart watch that prefers text over the images in emails, developing text emails with right formatting for such devices will become mission critical. Marketers will need to look out for other such devices and aim at developing emails compatible with more devices than mobile.

#2 marketing to data science

If you think big data is just a buzz word and you can actually run email campaigns without data, think again! With the right kind of data analytics models available to exploit, it is now mandatory to shift from just being another email marketer to a data scientist.

[tweetthis]Think big data is just a buzz word and you can actually run email campaigns without data, think again![/tweetthis]

With predictive analytics, propensity models, clustering and appending, you could do so much more than you could have otherwise done by being yet another marketer. With right insights you will be able to determine the effectiveness of your email campaigns as well as revitalize them moving forward. According to IBM, 83% of CMOs expect to enhance their use of analytics to capture customer insights.

#3 Myths to realities

Although we have moved ahead with the technology, there are times when we still fall prey to myths about various aspects of email marketing.

Ignore paying heed to myths about email marketing. Some people will say Monday mornings are best to send out promotional emails, shorter subject lines are more effective or words like FREE will detour your emails to spam and so on, but all of these are myths. What works for manufacturing might not actually work for fashion retail and things are so different across all the industries.


You need to test your own sending times, subject lines, CTAs, and other design elements to come up to a conclusion about what works and what doesn’t.

#4 Emails to microsites

Let bygones be bygones. It’s time to think about the future. What is that future? A mailable microsite.

Well, with an advance in the technology, marketers are now aiming to stop sending those obsolete and granny looking emails and replace them with a micro website. With so many email marketers tools and functionalities exploited by developers all around the world, it is now very much possible to incorporate sliders, navigation, forms, embedded review systems and more within the email itself.

Some good tools like Rebelmail for example allow recipients to checkout/submit right in their inbox. This cuts down the effort of visiting an online retail e-commerce store and putting up an order there.

Such innovations also help email marketers grab a lion’s share of revenue by reducing the action time.

#5 List retention to list churn

For one moment, this doesn’t sound good to our ears, but let’s look at it positively. Email marketers always aim to grow their email lists rapidly.

[tweetthis]Having a person on your email list for too long is a problem.[/tweetthis]

While batch and blast shifted base to permission based email marketing, some marketers are now going the extra mile to actually churn their lists alongside growing it. One major reason for doing so is hampered domain reputation. Sending repeated email communication to unengaged recipients on the list hurts domain reputation drastically. According to some experts, having a person on your email list for too long is also a problem. There is a need to identify unengaged subscribers, bad emails, unsubscribe complaints and ultimately clean the list and churn the recipients than retaining them for your life. Some marketers go ahead and unsubscribe recipients who don’t respond; making it clear that they want their list to be up to date.

#6 Personalization to integrated marketing automation

If you are amongst those 50% of CMOs who plan to impellent personalization, your battle is half won. However, if you are not
planning to send out personalized emails, you are still not ready for a bigger shift – integrated marketing automation.

Not only are marketers now personalizing emails using live social feeds, geo-targeting or urgency counters, but also CRMimplementing 360 degree automation. Right from sending out personalized emails, lead capturing,
nurturing, converting to advocacy, email marketers are making email more integrated with CRM and automation tools.Doing so, they’ll be able to save a lot of time managing different automated tools and at the same time will quickly convert prospects and increase their lifetime value.


Well, technology has transformed how we email. Talk about responsive, tabbed inbox or wearable devices; it always takes marketers on a rocky ride. You can’t tame innovation, but you could shift your vision and expand the horizons. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to provide a superior inbox experience. If you don’t, someone else will.


Landing Pages Designer

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