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Landing Page Components

6 Tips About Landing Page Components You Need to Know

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When you’re designing your company’s website landing page, there are a few things to keep in mind as you proceed. Chances are good that visitors to your site have come to your landing page by clicking on a link or ad, so you want to take some measures to make it informative, useful, and most of all, sticky — that all-important quality of good landing pages that make visitors want to stick around and not click away.

Read on for six essential tips to help you create landing page components that will increase the overall success of your business.

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Use Videos as Part of Your Landing Page Components

The web is a passive medium, and visitors like getting information by viewing snappy, high quality videos rather than reading. When considering your landing page components, instead of using big blocks of text, you might offer your message using an auto-play video or animation.

You’ll want to take care to give basic information efficiently so that your video doesn’t run more than a minute or two; take too long to communicate your ideas, and you risk losing visitors. Additionally, a slick, well-produced video high production values will be professional and persuasive.

If you’re not skilled in video production, hire a professional to create great video content for you. Among all your landing page components, this might be the most significant.

Make Your Landing Page Components Large, Interesting, and Relevant

Good images, whether photographs or illustrations, are essential landing page components that help to break up blocks of text. Also, when done right, they are as good or better at communicating your message as words can be. Remember the old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words? That’s a lot to impart to your visitors with one image.

Make visuals big so that they attract attention, and use landing page components that are very relevant to your company and your mission. You’ll also want to make sure that they’re high quality, composed well, and look professional.

Stock photos are are common among landing page components and might save you some money, but if you need excellent custom work, it may be well worth the investment to hire a professional photographer who can capture exactly what you need.

Get Some Help from Copywriters for Great Headlines

A well-written headline that compels visitors to visualize the positive change that your company can provide is invaluable. It’s often one of the first landing page components that your visitor will see upon arriving at your landing page, so it’s got to be persuasive and succinct.

It also has to be grammatically perfect, as nothing will drive away educated consumers faster than poor grammar or a blatant misspelling, no matter how well your landing page components are designed.

If you’re not confident in your writing ability, or if you feel like you may not have as much of a way with words as a professional, then you may want to hire a good copywriter to help you compose a great headline.

Keep Your Landing Page Components Simple and Easy to Navigate

Interestingly, making a clear and simple design is not as easy as it may seem. But there are a few things you can do to improve the aesthetic quality of your landing page components and minimize the visual clutter. This actually draws on one of the more common principles of good design: keep it simple! “Good design is as little design as possible,” according to well-renowned and respected industrial designer Dieter Rams.

This very much applies to web design and landing page components in particular — you want your visitors to be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and with minimal effort on their part.

A clean design that uses a minimal color palette will be the easiest to navigate. Basic yet elegant fonts that are easy to read are also essential. Another great thing about keeping your page design clean and simple is that it will load faster, making the user experience that much friendlier. And finally, if your company has a log or any promotional materials, they should all match the design of your landing page components. If a visitor had to click an ad to get to your landing page, that should also match.

Making all your landing page components fit together visually increases the reconizability of your brand.

Keep to the Topic

Your landing page components should have a single focus: one topic, one message, one call to action. It should give information related only to this single focus while allowing visitors to link to other pages within your website for related information. (Take care to minimize links to pages outside of your website; again, you want your site to be sticky and retain visitors as much as possible).

Having one topic on your landing page also limits the likelihood that you’ll overwhelm your visitors with too much information and confuse them.

When designing (or redesigning) the website for your company, it may help to outline the entire structure of the site and even create a site map. This will help you and your web designer avoid loading too much information on the landing page or any other single page of your site.

Give a Single, Bold, and Clear Call to Action

Your landing page will give your visitors information on a single topic, but what do you want them to do with this information? Call a phone number? Buy something? Do something? Whatever it is you want them to do, state it clearly, boldly, and visibly. And just like you have a single focus on your landing page, give a single call to action. Asking visitors to do too many things all at once can be a turn off, and not asking them to do something more or less ensures that they won’t do anything.

Put your call to action in a prominent spot. You can even include it in the landing page’s headline if you want, though a bold line of text may also work, as might a button in a vivid and contrasting color. Whatever you do, make sure that your call to action can be seen without having to scroll down the page.

This helps you avoid losing visitors who don’t look past the page break.

Go Forth and Land Effectively

Anyone can throw together a web page, but it takes a bit of savviness and some careful planning to create a compelling and persuasive landing page components that will yield the results you’re looking for. While this is by no means an exhaustive list of things to consider as you design your landing page, these tips will help you to establish a clean and efficient web presence that improves your company’s bottom line and makes people want to return to your site.


Landing Pages Designer

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