Similar to Form holder blue, this template wows visitors by swapping out sky blue for energetic orange and adds a can't-miss purple Get a Free Quote button plus a cool complementary pastel palette. There's room to drop in a video, check off your business's advantages, mix in testimonials, guide prospects step-by-step through your approach, blast some company stats and bullet your industry edge.
Each Pagewiz template can be easily changed - you can add or delete any element you want to fit your landing page's specific campaign goals.
Use this templateOrange, purple, pastels, free quote, pointing finger, video, testimonials, lead form, step-by-step approach, image background
A long, positive, well-crafted landing page template that convinces visitors to adopt a dog. The page is highly detailed and uses icons, background textures and a designer touch. It can be also be repurposed for any business with little adjustment.